Professional beauty with Estel

Founder and permanent CEO of the ESTER enterprise – Highly qualified chemist Lev Okhotin. Before opening his own business, Lev Okhotin worked in a group of managers for a large entrepreneur who invested money in various projects and their development. One of these projects turned out to be a perfume and cosmetics factory, which, thanks to the efforts of Lev Okhotin and his colleagues, emerged from the crisis a year later. It was then that Lev Okhotin thought about the possibility of creating his own company for the development and production of cosmetics.

The idea was simple: to develop and market a high quality domestic product at reasonable prices. In 2001, a series of home hair dyes , consisting of 15 shades, called ” ESTEL “.

In May 2005, the company prepared and launched the first professional range of ESSEX tints, consisting of 67 shades, shampoos and balms. By the end of the following year, the ESSEX pallet had almost doubled. The novelty was a hit with specialists and their customers, and in ESTEL it was decided to develop and offer salons the widest possible choice of home products for hairdressers, having developed and released in record time a wide range of excellent domestic professional cosmetics for the hair, then the body.

Manufacturing History ESTEL started at just 1000 square feet. rented me. Soon after, the company needed something more reliable and large-scale. In 2004, production was started, and here the dream of a significant increase in production from 1 million to 2 million pieces per month became a reality.

Today, the brand’s dealer network has more than 150 organizations in Russia, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia and other neighboring countries. In 2011, the official representative office of ESTEL-Ukraine, ESTEL-Europe in Germany was opened. The first sales have started in Poland. The company plans to enter other markets in Central and Western Europe.

ESTEL’s strongest link are hair dyes: DE LUXE has 134 tones, ESSEX – 114, DE LUXE SENSE – 68. In the near future, it is planned to expand the palette, including tones clearer. ESTEL closely cooperates with hair salons and closely monitors not only the quality of products, but also the correctness of their use.The company sees its mission in the significant development and increased profitability of the hairdressing industry as a whole.

What is the secret of the success of a young Russian professional brand? ESTEL ‘s main resource – it’s people, their potential and their belief in success. The work experience of many is equal to the age of the company itself, and that says a lot. After all, not everything was always like it is now. There were very difficult times of training, of entering the market, but, nevertheless, these people remained faithful to the cause which they were building together. And now, while ESTEL has grown into a solid company with a name, big plans and a vast geography, people are still the most important and dearest. Here, all are patriots in the full sense of the term. “.Hundreds of thousands of professionals choose Estel products, a guarantee of beauty and quality. The production of cosmetics under the Estel Professional brand is carried out by the successful Russian company Yunikosmetik LLC. All cosmetic products produced under the Estel brand have been developed and studied in our own laboratories, using the latest scientific developments.


Highly skilled chemist Lev Okhotin is both CEO and founder of Estel. One such project used to be a perfume and cosmetics factory on the verge of collapse. Thanks to the skills of Lev Okhotin, this plant was restored and brought to a qualitatively new level. And this is what made Lev think about the possibility of starting his own business in the field of cosmetics and perfumery.

In his business plan, Lev Okhotin put only one, but extremely important idea – to develop a domestic product of high quality and with a reasonable price policy. The CEO started his business with the release of a series of hair dyes for home use called Estel, which consisted of fifteen shades in the market.

Estel hair dye was immediately noticed and appreciated. Already in May 2005, a line of professional ESSEX dyes was created and launched into production, consisting of 67 shades, shampoos and balms. And here the company also expected success.

The product was successfully promoted in the market, and Lev Okhotin set the following goal for his company: to develop and launch the widest range of high-quality household hair cosmetics with an orientation towards salons and artisans, in one Record time.

Climb in the market

The production development started with rented squares of 1000 m². m With the development of production, the question arose of a more reliable and bulky working base. And this aspect also materialized in reality, which made it possible to double the turnover of production, now about 2 million different ESTEL product names were produced per month. Today, the brand network includes more than 150 organizations in Russia, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia and other neighboring countries.

Officially, in 2011, the opening of a representative office of ESTEL-Europe in Germany, ESTEL-Ukraine in Ukraine took place.

It is very important for salon masters and for the average girl to have high-quality hair cosmetics that will not only not damage, but also improve the condition of hair, and also provide professional care at home.

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