supplementary insurance

Health is certainly one of the most important things. It may sound strange, but it is possible to take care of your health. Putting in place certain practices, certain dietary, sporting and daily habits will make it possible to considerably reduce certain ailments and certain health problems. Afterwards, of course, it does not work miracles and certain chronic or occasional diseases must be treated with traditional medicine.

Taking out additional insurance is essential to guarantee your health capital, not having to choose between your finances and medical care. Here we give you 5 good reasons that should encourage you to take out hospitalization, natural medicine or dental insurance as soon as possible.

1st reason: Health insurance does not reimburse all your treatment costs

The 1st reason, which should lead you to take out complementary health insurance , is that your LAMal health insurance does not cover all your medical expenses. This compulsory health insurance has many shortcomings and only reimburses you for the “base” of certain treatment costs.For example, the AOS only pays for hospitalization in the common ward in your canton of residence or only for drugs from the LS (List of Specialties) . In addition, in the event of hospital treatment, the insured person also participates in the costs up to the chosen deductible, the copayment and a contribution per day to the hospital stay costs . Since 1 January 2011, this daily contribution amounts to CHF 15,-. Children under 18, pregnant women hospitalized in the maternity ward and young people under 25 in training are not concerned. In terms of hospitalization, be aware that health insurance does not cover hospitalization that is not medically justified.

The AOS (Compulsory Care Insurance) has shortcomings in terms of auxiliary means such as glasses, which are covered only for children. Dental costs are only covered if they result from an accident or a congenital illness . Thus, no routine dental care is covered. Finally, the LAMal only recognizes 4 alternative medicine therapies. On the subject, we invite you to read the article by one of our partners: Which alternative medicines are covered by the LAMal? .So if you wish to choose a hospital outside your canton of residence, in a semi-private or private division, if you wish to cover your current dental costs or even if you wish to have your osteopathy, sophrology, reflexology: take out suitable supplementary insurance !

2nd reason: For better management of your à la carte health

Compulsory health insurance has shortcomings on certain treatment costs. If you want better care, you will have no choice but to take out complementary care insurance. You have the possibility of choosing additional insurance adapted to your needs, such as specific hospitalization or dental insurance, but you can also take out comprehensive additional insurance, a package. These complementary care insurances display wide and extensive benefits: off-list drugs, alternative medicine, spa treatments, glasses and contact lenses, auxiliary means, vaccines or transport costs.

These complete complementary insurances allow you to choose a level of coverage adapted to your current needs and your future expectations. For example, in the event of maternity, your medical treatment needs are necessarily different. You may need sophrology or reflexology to prepare for childbirth. Similarly, seven examinations and two ultrasound checks are covered in the LAMal during a normal pregnancy. If you want to be taken care of for more control examinations or even give birth in semi-private or private, you will have to take out complementary maternity sickness . Please note that many insurers include a waiting period(generally 12 months) for maternity care. Taking out supplementary maternity insurance means ensuring you get optimal care so that you can live your pregnancy to the full , without worrying about your medical expenses.For more information, contact our advisors specializing in supplementary healthcare insurance.3rd reason: To limit the financial consequences of an illness.

Another reason why you should take out additional health insurance is the financial impact of illness. The most important cause of death today for men and women in Switzerland is represented by so-called non-communicable diseases (NCDs) . Among these diseases, we find cardiovascular diseases , cancer, diseases of the respiratory tract and dementia which are responsible for ¾ of deaths. These illnesses are called long-term illnesses. Treatments, but also the duration of treatment are factors that will weigh heavily on the health budget.

Good medical care also means avoiding the aggravation of certain ailments that can lead to medical complications or new health problems.Having access to care and treatment makes it possible to quickly deal with the problem and avoid more serious consequences , whether in medical or financial terms.Because your health capital is essential, in order not to suffer from the disease and the financial costs attached, taking out additional insurance is THE solution! The objective is simple, you must protect yourself against a risk, which is certainly not present at time “T”, but which potentially can occur.

4th reason: Guarantee future health problems

Indeed, today, you are certainly telling yourself that you are in great shape, that you have no health problems! So you think you have no need for additional insurance! FAKE ! Be aware that additional insurance does not work like your LAMal. For health insurance, the insurance company has the obligation to accept your contract , but this is not the case for what arises from private insurance. Complementary healthcare insurance, complementary hospitalization insurance, alternative medicine or spa treatments are subject to a medical questionnaire. The acceptance of your complementary insurance policy is left to the discretion of the insurer who can either accept, or refuse, or make certain reservations.take-out-additional-insurance-as-early-as-possibleWaiting to have health problems to question yourself and take out additional insurance is, in fact, not the optimal solution. You may not be able to benefit from such insurance and will have to bear all the treatment costs not reimbursed by the LAMal .

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